Ever wondered what effect it would have on the world when humans would be listed on the red list? What if humans would be rare on earth? Imagine a world where only a few thousands of us are left to roam the lands. It wouldn't take very long until nature would be taking over the places we once created and maintained. The only things to remain standing in the end would be the things that we’ve constructed in stone. Those would remain for a few ten thousands of years. First thing that would go is electricity. Power plants would have nobody to maintain or fuel them, leading to a big blackout. The last source of electrical power would be hydroelectric plants. They can run for several years without the need of any kind of maintenance. Without electricity the pumps inside tunnels and subways would fail, and water would start flowing in. That leads to flooding in underground constructions.
The next step would be that animals, pets mainly, would start starving since they’ve mainly lost the ability to hunt for food themselves. Some animals might also gather together in packs as a strategy of survivals. Especially big dog breeds would attempt to form bigger packs and hunt together on other animals roaming around in urban areas. It wouldn’t take long before the main inhabitants of cities and urban areas would be animals. Between 3 months to 1 year before whole cities will be inhabited by new life.
On the other hand it would be a big natural catastrophe. Several series of chemical factories would go malfunctioning without the control of humans, leading to many chemicals directly releasing into rivers and the air. Sewages would flow over and run into lakes, ponds, rivers and the sea. Pollution levels would rise up to critical levels at the first few months. Satellites would also start falling down onto the surface of the earth. Metal buildings would break down in about 300 years, due to corrosion. After all those first instant meltdowns and critical situations have stabilized nature would be starting to take back what’s hers. In just 25 years vegetation and plants would overgrow the cities and manmade constructions again. Houses will crumble and dissolve. Cities that were built on swamps, like London, will be reverted back to swampland.
The few humans left to roam the earth would first go back to living like scavengers and gatherers. Gathering what’s left of society before the other 7 billion disappeared. They would go looking for food in abandoned places. Meanwhile they will also try to create technological tools to help them in their survival. Humans would have to be careful again against predators. The new dangerous that rise will make humans go back to living in groups up to 150 individuals in one group. The gathering and nomadic way of live would only be temporary until resources become scarce. This will lead us to going back to living a settled lifestyle. Creating new agricultural patched in ancient ways like the first settled humans did. There would be no need for mass production. Small self-sufficient villages will be the best option for survival. Living in harmony with nature will be our only way to thrive in this new kind of world. Wild animals around us will complete the circle of life and ecosystem. Nature will be the main lifeform on earth. In about 100.000 years there would be no more trace of our ever created CO2 in the air. That’s a long time, but not so long counted on the age of the earth. We would have enough space to roam and hunt. Hunting wouldn’t be the main source of food. Humans are opportunistic hunters and gathers. They hunt when game is easily caught. In other occasion they breed and harvest what they need. No pollution, less animals going extinct, new biotopes and ecosystem would be created. Survival would be our new main goal in life; leading to a different kind of social ranking and goals. There’s a saying, “Survival of the fittest”, yet that one never applied to humans since the modern man started walking the earth. Humans have always based their survival abilities and skill on intelligence, creativity and communication. Communication gives us the ability to work together in a more advanced way like most animals do. This ability gives us a huge advantage over other predators and struggles in life. Limiting human population down, and letting the earth being taken back by nature, would give us the insights we’ve lost. One of those lost insights is communication with each other. We live as independent people, yet we’re social animals that have based our survival on working together. A human alone will have a hard time to survive. A human group is at the top of the food chain.
The next step would be that animals, pets mainly, would start starving since they’ve mainly lost the ability to hunt for food themselves. Some animals might also gather together in packs as a strategy of survivals. Especially big dog breeds would attempt to form bigger packs and hunt together on other animals roaming around in urban areas. It wouldn’t take long before the main inhabitants of cities and urban areas would be animals. Between 3 months to 1 year before whole cities will be inhabited by new life.
On the other hand it would be a big natural catastrophe. Several series of chemical factories would go malfunctioning without the control of humans, leading to many chemicals directly releasing into rivers and the air. Sewages would flow over and run into lakes, ponds, rivers and the sea. Pollution levels would rise up to critical levels at the first few months. Satellites would also start falling down onto the surface of the earth. Metal buildings would break down in about 300 years, due to corrosion. After all those first instant meltdowns and critical situations have stabilized nature would be starting to take back what’s hers. In just 25 years vegetation and plants would overgrow the cities and manmade constructions again. Houses will crumble and dissolve. Cities that were built on swamps, like London, will be reverted back to swampland.

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