What to expect when Biden is inaugurated in the Capitol?

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Capitol_west_side.JPG

Biden will be inaugurated in capitol hill at the Capitol itself. Every inauguration of a new president comes with big expectations and big changes. This year will mean no difference. Even bigger surprises have happened recently.

Trump has a solid claim that his election was stolen. Biden has a solid claim that his winning was honestly earned. This has made some very diverse stories circulating the internet. Several different claims have been made, which eventually led to a riot on the Capitol. This riot was very severe and mass of people gathered around the building. First, they were attending the speech of President Trump. Later they went to break into the Capitol building. These rioters were mainly supporters of far-right politics which is a philosophy that isn’t widely accepted in 2021. Racists, fascists and neo-Nazi supporters were all present during the riots. It went so far that even Donald Trump tried to deny the support of his own supporters.

Source: https://theconversation.com/symbols-of-white-supremacy-flew-proudly-at-the-capitol-riot-5-essential-reads-153055

Riots happened at the capitol from time to time. The capitol was built in 1800 (after 7 years of construction) and only 14 years later it was burned by British rebellions. More than 3000 books in the capitol got burned during these riots. The fire was amazingly put out by a passing tornado and rain storm in Washington D.C. This was the first riot the newly finished capitol had experienced. After this burning the Capitol was painted white to hide the smoke and burn marks.

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:British_Burning_Washington.jpg

The second time rioters invaded the Capitol was in 1954 when 4 Puerto Ricans walked into the buildings gallery and started shooting on congressmen. Killing 5 and wounding several. These four men were later overthrown by policemen and guards present. The attack was probably due to a rebellion against the Spanish-American war. Some Puerto Ricans weren’t so fond of Americans. Since they were member of US territory since 1917 and still hadn’t any voting rights in congress.

Not so long after in 1971 some left-extremists attacked the US government. Bombing them where it hurts the most. A bomb went off in the Capitol buildings senate side bathrooms. It went off and luckily nobody was hurt. The bomb was placed by terrorist group Weather Underground.

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Capitol_1983_bombing_damage.jpeg

In 1983 a communist group called M19 Communist Organization set of a bomb in Capitol’s north wing. Blowing a hole through the Senates leading office room. The damage was huge. Luckily the bomb was tipped off to the security and the room was evacuated. M19 was a communist answer to the Vietnam war America had participated in. The group had icons like Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh. Capitol had over $250.000 costs to the building alone. Several antiquities were destroyed. Including several paintings.

These groups had all something in common. Political activism. They were all unhappy about the current governing by the US government, which they believed was mainly happening in the Capitol. From Communists to British rebels.

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Riot_in_Capital_.jpg

Now 6th January 2021 there was a new riot. This riot was different. The biggest part of the group had racist views. And they were out after politicians who didn’t support their views. Several racism symbols were shown at the riot. From KKK crosses to nooses. Proud boys (yellow) were a big part of the extremists present. People actually managed to overtake Capitol and inflict lots of damage. This size of riot didn’t happen for more than 200 years.

What can we expect when Joe Biden will be inaugurated? Will people be out after Kamala Harris? These are big question marks which will be answered within a few days. Different online forums have been talking about arranging a new riot to be present at the inauguration. The authorities have taken precautions by putting 10.000 National Guards at the area. Airbnb canceled all rentals and Facebook canceled events in the area. Fences have been placed and NSA is scouting the internet for hidden planned events. The fact that everyone knows that there will be an inauguration can still mean that extremists will come to event and try to riot once again. These riots aren’t only affecting the US but the rest of the world as well. As the US is failing to protect their citizens from extremists in their home country. Other countries will start doubting the power behind the US flag. Can they still provide protection for other countries? Will this give more hope to far-right extremists and give them inspiration to riot in their countries as well?
